“My heart is overflowing with a good theme; I recite my composition concerning the King; My tongue is the pen of a ready writer.” Psalm 45:1
Promoting the Christian faith, Renee Hill Carter offers a number of products and services such as books, albums, featured articles, workshops/seminars, and speaker services.
Her passion and mandate are to instill hope and propel others to dig deep, and uncork their dreams, gifts, skills, and passion. No matter your age, accomplishments, or lack thereof, if you’re still breathing, there’s greatness in us all and much for us to do and to give. Through her written and spoken words, the intent is to leave her audience restless until they are fully engaged in their God-given assignment.
Renee can provide presentations, workshops, and seminars specific to your retreat or conference theme. Small groups or large conference settings teachings are available on the following topics:
Prayer and Faith
Grief Support-The Grief Recovery Method®
Emotional health and Well-being
Overall soul care
and more…
To inquire more information about having Renee speak at your event, please fill out the contact form below.
The Spiritual Spa
The Spiritual Spa experience is designed to help you create your personal time of beauty, relaxation, and stillness. Your spirit, your soul, and your body will be aligned with the Spirit of God to participate in a time of rest, self-care, and divine love. Patterned after the ambiance and offerings at a natural spa, this event can be personalized to suit your small group, retreat, prayer breakfast, conference, and bible study group. Whether your event is a few hours or a weekend retreat, the Spiritual Spa will foster a genuine time of intimacy with Christ and yourself.
Speaking Inquiry Form
Complete the inquiry form below and we’ll discuss how to bring the Spiritual Spa to you.