To save money and get more use from clothes that an older sibling has outgrown, the younger child may get hand-me-downs.  Some items my be in good shape while others may be dated and out of style.  Some church rituals and traditions passed from one generation to the next may sometimes be dated, stifle the truth of worship and cause disobedience to God’s summon to freely worship Him.  Let’s be sure our worship is not based on our traditions but on His desire to be worshiped in spirit and in truth.

Prayer:  Holy father, I will not allow man-made traditions to get in the way of worshiping You.  Be pleased to receive my worship. In Jesus’ name, AMEN.

“You revoke God’s word by your tradition, that you have handed down.” – Mark 7:13 

Thanks for joining me for the days of Christmas as we focus on worship of the Savior, Jesus the Christ.   As the author, each daily reading was first published and featured in the 2015-16 Winter edition of YOU Adult Bible Study for Lifeway.

Come back tomorrow for Day 6.  You are welcomed to subscribe and I’d love to hear your comments.  Have a blessed, joyful and worship-filled Christmas!