Luke 2:12-20

This popular Christmas carol suggests a sense of urgency to go everywhere and tell everybody that “Jesus Christ is born.”  The shepherds could not keep this news to themselves and went about telling all who would hear that they saw what had been told them.  People were amazed.  Likewise, go tell someone that Jesus has come to give them a brand-new life.  Do it now.  Makes a great gift!

Prayer:  Blessed Redeemer, I will go and give this gift of life that You’ve given to me.  AMEN.

Thanks for joining me for the  days of Christmas as we focus on worship of the Savior, Jesus the Christ.   As the author, each daily reading was first published and featured in the 2015-16 Winter edition of YOU Adult Bible Study for Lifeway.

Come back tomorrow for Day 1.  You are welcomed to subscribe and I’d love to hear your comments.  Have a blessed, joyful and worship-filled Christmas!