“…It contains sorrows, It contains the reality of certain truths that one thought could never be.  It takes from you…it must so that it can be free to have room to show the truth of itself…” – Renee Hill Carter                                     

(Excerpt from “Dare to Love – Dare to Live” (A Good Work Begun)

The Labor of Love

Recently I received news that my sorority sister and college classmate passed away after a lengthy illness. Although she is kicking her heels in a happy dance with her Savior, the shock and pain that grief and loss demands struck its blow to my heart. She was the first of my line sisters to leave this earth.  We were and still are a tight knit group – Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.  We share a unique bond that extends to our entire class and other alumnae of Hampton University, our “home by the sea”.  Many attended the funeral to salute our dear friend as she took her flight to Glory.  The sweet memories of our time with her and the final benediction of her life on this side squeezed our hearts even tighter.

The picture collage scrolling across the screen brought smiles, tears, sighs emphasizing  the value and worth of each breath we’re given and also the brevity of life.   Because of His great Love, God placed in her His seed of greatness and preferred purpose designed just for her.  She labored with joy and endurance to produce the fruit of God’s Love of hope, promise and purpose that impacted countless lives for good. Though the discomforts and challenges may have been great at times, what she brought forth time and time again seemed to have exceeded the pains she bore. The anesthesia of her Father’s love provided her with the grace, the dignity, the strength and the perseverance to keep pushing.

Welcoming her to His home by way of Eternity, I’m sure God smiled, whispering in her ear, “well done my good and faithful servant”.

With that same Love, God has impregnated us with His seed of purpose, promise of hope and a glorious future. (Jeremiah 29:11)  The celebration of her transition from death to life eternal, induced a surge of contractions in me to lean in and continue to push forward in my purpose.  The truth of the matter is there is still so much to give birth to and I can’t keep it for myself; neither can you.

Let God’s Word and His Holy Spirit serve as our “midwife” to motivate us, propel us upward and onward.   Listen as God tenderly but emphatically urges us on…

  1. Pledge your love to Me as I have vowed to love you forever no matter what.  (Jeremiah 31:3)
  2. Give love and keep giving out to make more room for Me (LOVE).  The return is immeasurable. (Luke  6:38)
  3. Push and push some more knowing that your labor in Me is not in vain.  (1 Corinthians 15:58)
  4. Trust the sedating and calming peace of My Love when you need to rest.  (Matthew 11:28)
  5. Leave this earth empty.  Your legacy is a manifestation of the Seed of Love I conceived in you.  Make it last forever.  I won’t forget it.  (Hebrews 6:9-12)

Keep on pushing…



“Dare to Love…Dare to Live” can be read in its entirety in “A Good Work Begun” and is available at      http://mulberryhousecreations.com/A Good Work Begun_cover

A Good Work Begun_cover